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News 4 results
- Online edition also for the Cinema in Verticale review, May 7, 2020
Online the 22th edition of "Cinema in Verticale" rewiev.
The organizers offer the public the viewing of two films: "La rocha d'Ciavre" by Elio Bonfanti and "OSSignùr! La montagna assistita" by Sandro Gastinelli.
Information: ...
- Online the competition notice of Valsusa Filmfest, Jan. 9, 2019
New film competition of Valsusa Filmfest, polyarchistic festival about the themes of historical memory, the mountain and the environment.
Information: www.valsusafilmfest.it.
- Sentieri Sonori, July, 2 - August, 20, July 6, 2016
"Sentieri Sonori" - Music at high altitude.
- Vertical Cinema, 15 films about the mountains, Feb. 3, 2016
From February, 11 to March, 26 18th edition of "Vertical Cinema", event about cinema and mountain culture. 15 proiections in Caprie, Condove, Gravere, San Giorio di Susa, Salbertrand, Sant’Antonino di Susa, Villar Dora, Giaveno and Orbassano.
Free admission.
Services 2 results
- ALTOX High Mountain guides ,
"Italian School of Mountaineering, Ski Mountaineering and Climbing" with headquarter in Novalesa, Middle Susa Valley.
- Valsusa Alpine Guides,
Associazione di guide alpine con sede a Bardonecchia che hanno fatto di una passione il loro lavoro. In tutte le stagioni accompagnano gruppi e singoli sulle montagna d’Italia e del mondo. Alpinismo a tutti i livelli, arrampicata su roccia e ...