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immagini sindoniche
Places 13 results
- Shroud images - Assumption fresco of Sacra di San Michele, Sant'Ambrogio di Torino
Author: Secondo del Bosco di Poirino
Object: Painting
Subject: Assumption
Chronology: 1505
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: Church of Sacra di San Michele - Sant'Ambrogio di Torino- Shroud images - Fresco Christ of Sorrow, Buttigliera Alta
Autore: Giacomo Jaquerio
Oggetto: Affresco
Soggetto: Cristo del Dolore
Cronologia 1406-1410
Materia e tecnica: Affresco
Collocazione: Chiesa della Precettoria di Sant'Antonio di Ranverso - Buttigliera Alta/RostaBreve descrizione:
La figura del Cristo del Dolore è raffigurata sulla parete meridionale del ...- Shroud images - Fresco Church of San Pietro Rochemolles, Bardonecchia
- Autore sconosciuto
Oggetto: stampa
Soggetto: Beato Amedeo di Savoia con Santi e Santo Sudario
Cronologia: inizi del XVIII sec.
Materia e tecnica: Stampa su seta
Collocazione: Collezione privata - depositato c/o Museo di Arte Religiosa Alpina di Melezet - Bardonecchia
Breve ... - Shroud images - fresco Exhibition of the Shroud, Venaus
Author: unknown
Subject: painting
Subject: Exposition of the Shroud with Our Lady of Sorrows and Saints
Chronology: Early 18th century
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: Private house - Frazione Mestrale - VenausShort description:
Our Lady of Sorrows, with a heart pierced ...- Shroud images - fresco in the Castle of Villar Dora, Villar Dora
Author: Unknown
Subject: Painting
Subject: Exposition of the Shroud
Chronology: 17th century
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: Castle of Villar Dora - External wall of Cà BiancaShort description:
A bishop, placed at the center of the scene, exposes the Shroud ...- Shroud images - fresco of chapel at Borgetto, Novalesa
Author: unknown
Subject: Painting
Subject: Scenes from the Passion of Christ
Chronology: 1734/38
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: Chapel of the Our Lady of Sorrows - Borgetto, Novalesa- Shroud images - fresco of San Carlo Borromeo, Condove
Author: Unknown
Subject: Painting
Subject: San Carlo Borromeo in prayer
Chronology: 17th century
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: Votive pillar in Mocchie - Condove- Shroud images - fresco of the Shroud, Susa
Author: Unknown
Subject: Painting
Subject: Shroud
Chronology: Early 17th century
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: arcades of via Palazzo di Città - SusaShort description:
Located on the corner end of the arcades of Via Palazzo di Città, this fresco depicts ...- Shroud images - fresco of the Shroud at San Giuliano, Susa
Author: Buffa
Subject: Painting
Subject: Madonna with Saints Peter and Andrew
Chronology: 1751
Matter and technique: Fresco
Location: San Giuliano di Susa - Private house- Shroud images - Madonna dei Laghi Sanctuary painting, Avigliana
Autore: Sconosciuto
Oggetto: Dipinto
Soggetto: Deposizione dalla Croce
Cronologia: inizi del XVII sec.
Materia e tecnica: Olio su tela
Collocazione: Santuario della Madonna dei Laghi - AviglianaBreve descrizione:
La grande tela propone il momento della deposizione del corpo di Cristo ...- Shroud images - painting on canvas Cathedral of San Giusto, Susa
Author: Piedmontese painter
Subject: Painting
Subject: The Addolorata, the Shroud and the Saints Peter and Stephen
Chronology: 1723
Material and technique: Oil on canvas
Location: Cathedral of San Giusto of Susa- Shroud images - painting on canvas Museum of Sacred Art Novalesa, Novalesa
Unknown author
Subject: Painting
Subject: The Court of Vittorio Amedeo II in front of the Shroud
Chronology: Last quarter of the 17th century
Matter and technique: tempera on canvas
Location: Museum of Alpine Religious Art of Novalesa- Shroud images - Print on silk melezet Museum, Bardonecchia
Autore sconosciuto
Oggetto: stampa
Soggetto: Beato Amedeo di Savoia con Santi e Santo Sudario
Cronologia: inizi del XVIII sec.
Materia e tecnica: Stampa su seta
Collocazione: Collezione privata - depositato c/o Museo di Arte Religiosa Alpina di Melezet - Bardonecchia
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